Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Getting Ready for Daddy to come home!

One of the great blessings of being a military family is free stuff. We got this banner for free and they are originally around 80 bucks! I have waited to show you all this because it was a surprise for mike too! A good friend of mine also got one so the day before they came home we helped each other put them up.

That symbol is the Crab...EOD
Making welcome home signs
Talking to Daddy on the webcam...one of Logan's favorite things to do! Of all people Logan sits and talks to Daddy the longest
My LONG calendar....ALL CROSSED OFF!!! The notes on the sides are from all the flowers Mike has sent me. I love reading them!
One of the best pictures yet. I love seeing them talk to each other!

1 comment:

Casey Martinez said...

this is a great, beautiful post Elissa. My fave pic is the last one too. IT's so cute to see Logan talking to Mike and sitting there in the chair looking at the laptop. Made me smile. So glad you are all back together again! What a strong family you all are!