Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grandma Fun and Fall Festivities

It has been a busy week here at our house! Lots of fun with Grandma and lots to do! My mom came in last Tuesday for much needed visit and break for me:-) We had 4 hours to ourselves last Wednesday which is when we saw grandchild #3, and have played with the boys since then! Logan had his last swimming lesson on Saturday, which he passed (as much as a three year old can) and showed off his swimming underwater. I was so glad that my mom could see that! Later that afternoon our church held a Chili/Chowder Cook-off. I was crazy and volunteered to make some Chowder. I am not much of a seafood person, so I knew my Chowder wasn't going to be anything special...I was just trying to contribute. My Chicken and Corn Chowder turned out great! But not great enough to win...but like I said, that was fine with me! The boys got to dress up in their IronMan outfits and play along with all the other kids on the playground and bouncy houses. Austin was a cute IronMan until he found someones Orange Soda and decided to drink it and soak his outfit. It also dyed his body Orange from his chin to his thighs...oh the joys:-) here are some fun pictures from the event!

Trying to get some good photos, and deal with Austin's oversized outfit (all I had since his other one was orange)

Austin IronMan before the my strong men!

So here is a controversial topic or question. This wasn't something I had to think about until being a mom and having kids at an age that could participate in holidays. I have some friends who don't participate in anything Halloween and stay away from dressing up their kids, candy, and most everything else. They vocalize how Dark Halloween is and all the scariness that is associated with it (Satan). Growing up I was allowed to participate in dressing up and trick or treating. However, I wasn't allowed anything to do with witches, ghosts, vampires, devils, etc...anything that could be associated with Satan. As a Christian, this made sense to me and that is how Mike and I decided to deal our boys during this time of year. We also don't "enhance" the holiday by decorating with many Halloween items, but more of the fall decor. I feel that it is a necessity as a parent to be very clear and explain, even to a young 3 year old, that there is evil in the world and to guide them the other way. Of course at a level that they can understand at this age, and more as they get older. So my question is What do you think of Halloween? Do you participate all the way ..."it is just a fun Holiday" mentality, or are you the other extreme and prevent your kids from looking at the costumes in the store? One thing I have thought of too as a Christian, is that we are called to be in this world but not of this world. That can be a very fine line, especially during the Halloween Season. My personal opinion, is that we shouldn't seclude ourselves but be involved enough so that people can see how we are "different" when celebrating Secular Holidays. Then they may be curious as to why we don't deal with witches and devils and ask why, which in turn leads us to share of our faith and beliefs. Some of you may not agree with this and I am always up for discussion! I can always learn new ways of thinking and living this life. The Lord can use all of us to teach edify each other!

Here is photo overload. I LOVED the outfit that I bought Logan and had to get some after Church pictures of the boys.

Trying to get him to pose.

This looks like a school picture to me, but I absolutely LOVE it!

Kisses with the boys:-)

Spinning on the chair

Everyone look! Grandma time!

Fall in our neighborhood!


Anonymous said...

These are so sweet. Looks like a great week with your mom.

As for Halloween we participate, but don't do the dark stuff. When we go trick or treating we just go to family and people we know.

Molly said...

I love the pics that your mom is in, I bet she had so much fun with you all!

I've never been a HUGE Halloween fan, since I am scared of everything. I've found that holidays are way more fun when you are experiencing them through the eyes of children. Jack is SO excited to go trick-or-treating this year!

libbyslp said...

Wheeeeee! Fun with Gramma! She looks like she's having the time of her life! And I know she's savoring every last minute!

I can't wait to hear her many stories <3

Casey Martinez said...

these pictures are beautiful Elissa. I especially love the ones of the boys on the bench. Great color and brightness. You are doing such an awesome job!!! Love the portrait of Logan!

You probably know that I've gone from being very strict on Halloween to softening to it over the years. I'm trying to be obedient to the Lord as much as I can. I never want to do something just for the sake of fitting in but, I do it for the sake of glorifying the Lord. I love dressing Daisy up and I'm sure we will trick or treat with her. It's fun. I wouldn't say the holiday is harmless but, I hope to teach Daisy the difference. I think you are doing a great job of teaching your kids about the Lord and allowing them to enjoy life as well!