Friday, March 11, 2011

Momma in Focus Friday!

one day at a time

One of my good friends started up a link called Momma in Focus for every Friday! In this link up you momma's get in the photos WITH your kids! Not just be behind the camera:-) I think this will be a fun link up as it will create many photos of me and my kids...something I definitely don't have much of. Thanks Casey!! Check out her sweet blog HERE and link up!

Stick out your tongue!
Funny Faces!
Poke your sibling:-)



Casey Martinez said...

Hands down awesomeness!! I LOVE these and I'm not just saying that! Did you use your tripod and remote or have Mike take them? The first one is my favorite for some reason;0. You are such a fun mama!! ;0 hehe

Andrea said...

VERY cute!! I love the poke your sibling:) adorable!

Misty said...

I found you through another blogger. I do my best to hand the camera to my hubs and take pics with my little girl but I certainly need to do it more. These are great photos. I found your blog today through another blogger. Love the pics of your little one in his diaper and rain boots. Too cute!

Jillian said...

how fun!! keep them coming!!
can't wait till i can to this too!!

Molly said...

Great idea! Love your shirt :-)

Anonymous said...

I love these. So fun!!

L. said...

I LOVE these photos--especially the first one! Can't wait to see what you have in store for next week!