Monday, August 31, 2009

Bathtime fun!

Last night at bathtime I decided to put Austin in the tub with Logan. Now last time I did this, Austin took a nose dive for the bubbles, so I have to keep a hand near him. But this was hilarious! Austin was responding to Logan laughing and making noises to him. I love how Austin looks at Logan...with such awe and adoration! It is kinda long, but enjoy!


Casey Martinez said...

oh my gosh that made my daY:) I had the biggest smile on my face and had to watch it twice. I love how serious Austin looks through most of it and Logan's ecstatic laugh. This is priceless!

Lindsey said...

That is such a cute little video. You can tell that they're growing up to be best buds. :-)

The Kincaid Family said...

this is THE cutest thign ever, oh my gosh, I LOVED Logan's laugh , I wish I could get a soundbite of it on my phone and just listen to it on my bad days ;)! And LOVE how Austin looks at him, he's going to grow up with a Daddy that's his hero, a Mommy that's his best friend, and a brother he totally looks up too :) LOVE it :)!

Ben and Melissa said...

so sweet! Austin is taking it all in thinking about the day when he can get around like his big bro. You can see how they will have so much fun growing up together. Maddie loved this video too. We will be watching it several times this morning! :)