Friday, June 10, 2011

Momma In Focus Friday! and a VIDEO...AGAIN!!!

One Day At A Time

YEAH! Another Friday and guess what tonight is...DATE NIGHT! Yup, we are leaving all three boys...(long sigh inserted) and I KNOW it will be great...minus the distraction of thinking about my baby boy. Anyways, we are thinking a dinner and possibly movie (typical date) but oh so nice! It has been a good week with it's rough patches...very rough patches. The great moments are definitely making up for the tough ones. I have purposed to be a more joyful mom, play and tickle my boys more, and LAUGH at everything if appropriate. Like this morning at 5 am when Everett was nursing and all of a sudden he straightened his body in a jerk and let out the loudest fart and went right back to eating in his sleep...oh boy oh boy:-)

Here are my Momma in Focus photos and a video! Hop on over to Casey's Blog to link up and check out her adorable daughter!

Making faces with Logan (sorry about the line in the was open)
My silly boy

This one was taken from my phone, Logan usually goes to school on Thursdays so that is my day with Austin...we had just finished playing with play-dough and were starting lunch. He impressed me so much yesterday when he was putting puzzles together all by himself!!

This is one of my favorite things to do with Everett...snuggle and tickle his neck...I swear he is laughing after I do it. Love this precious little man!



Ashley Sisk said...

So funny about his fart...that's a baby for ya! Love the first shot!

Molly said...

SUPPPERRRR cute pics! So excited for you and your date night!

Casey Martinez said...

love the video and hearing E's noises and the boys showing him love. SOOOO sweet!!! Mike is such a good daddy;0. LOVE your pictures Elissa. They are so full of love and happiness!! You are a good mommy!!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Those are so fun. I like that you want to try to laugh & enjoy things more. I think we all could use a bit of that. Parenting can be so stressful that I think we forget to enjoy the joy in it all.

Love that last shot- so cute

Anonymous said...

Awww. I love these photos. So sweet. We need to get together soon! :)