proud older brother
squirting daddy:-)
Who knew that little boys; as dirty, rough, and hyper as they are; could melt a momma's heart so quickly!?!?! Seeing how my three boys have such distinct personalities (yes Everett has a personality already) I melt in different ways for each of them.
Logan is my people pleaser and gets excited over the little things. To show you how tough it can be to parent this kind of child, here is a story. Mike and I are sticklers about finishing dinner before any kind of dessert is considered. Since we have been SOOO blessed with people bringing us dinners and desserts, there have been many delicious cookies:-) The other night, Logan tested our rules during dinner time. He was taking his sweet time eating his lasagna, thinking that at some point after he eats for 40 min he would wear us down so he could get his cookie. Well, it was bath night and late already, so we gave him 10 minutes to eat about 2 tbsp worth of food. I was sitting there, watching him eat, knowing that he was taking too long. My heart was breaking for him! How sad am I? It is just a silly cookie! But I saw how hard he was working at eating the food even though he may not like. So when there was a minute left and I knew he wasn't going to finish it, I also knew what was to come when we told him no cookie. The tears flowed and the face of disappointment and surprise of not getting a cookie appeared. Mike had to handle it because Logan has realized I am one big softie and he looked at me with those big blue eyes saying "but MOMMY!!!" . As I write this I realize what a small moment this was and I can't believe that I almost gave in to him! It is hard to be strong in moments as small as these, but we know that you have to be consistent in all situations.
Water table fun!
yes that is a turkey baster
bending over to get wiped...
Austin is such a character and crack up. He does this little hop when he stands up after sitting on the ground or after falling down. His hair flops up in the air and back down and his little chunky body bounces. Too cute. He has been having a hard time staying in bed at night lately and it is so hard for me to keep a straight face when dealing with him. He usually comes tip toeing around the corner and says "what you doing mommy?". Or walking slowing half bent over with his hands on his knees looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. Seriously, where does this humor come from? The other night I was putting him to bed and he did a sumersault on his own and now when he tries to do it he just put his head on the ground and lets his arms go limp thinking he will roll. He has also decided to potty train himself! We weren't even working on it with him, no rewards or anything, because he isn't afraid of the potty chair and he willingly sits on it. So for the past several days he gets out his potty chair and takes off his clothes and sits with his "puters" (computer toy) and goes to the bathroom! In fact tonight I found him in our bathroom with the lights off, pants and diaper off trying to get on the toilet. Oh how my heart melts at his cuteness!
Everett...yes this 2 weeker definitely has my heart around his tiny fingers. He is going to be such a momma's boy. And by momma's boy I mean that he wants my company. The other boys never made a fuss whether they were being held by me or not, but Everett definitely LOVES his cuddle time. Yes, he loves his cuddle time with Daddy too. He is such a great nurser, and just loves to eat just to snack. I guess I am enjoying it since he will be our last. Trying to soak up every moment! I have gotten most of his newborn pics, but I definitely wished I had done them sooner...when he was a konked out sleeper...oh well, still got some good ones!
I love this sweet kissable! Another distinction about Everett is his folded ears. This pic makes it look worse than it really is, but they are both folded! Kinda cute and very different...we shall see if it goes away as he gets bigger
Sorry about the rambling, I am just really enjoying and am really proud to be a momma to these three boys!