Sorry I have been so MIA lately friends and family!! Life has been busy as usuall and the blog hasn't been a huge priority on my to-do lists. I do enjoy it and want it to become more of a we will be working it into my schedule! I thought I would start where we left off (kinda) and just try and catch I apologize for the Christmas pictures later this January.
Everett turned nine months on December 23rd and I didn't get around to his 9month photos until 2 weeks technically he is 9.5 months:-) It is getting hard to get him to sit still for these photos as he wants to just crawl around and play! I managed though. His personality has really come through lately and is proving to be a very intelligent baby! He communicates with us all the time and lets us know if he is upset about things. He is kinda a drama-king at times. He learned to wave and actually says "HI" that is is first word! I recently was at target and saw a little stuffed lion and I was "roaring" at him, making him smile, got a kick out of it and then walked away from it. Then all of a sudden I hear "raaaoooorr" come from Everett! I thought it was so cute and he kept doing it, so I HAD to get the stuffed Lion...he still roars for us when we say lion or show him the animal. I am having so much fun seeing the difference already in him compared to the other boys. The Best!
1 comment:
these pictures are fantastic Elissa. Love that first one especially. He is a really really cute little man and can I just say that you are going to have 3 little heart throbs that girls are going to drool over! hahaha. I can't wait to see E again!
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