Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My moment of the Day

There was a point today that I just wanted to crawl back in bed, ask the sun to go behind the clouds, and sleep the day away. My days lately haven't been filled with a true Joy, more of frustration and trying to understand this change going on around me. Many things have been happening such as Logan hitting the "terrible threes" (the terrible twos are NOTHING compared to this), finding out the city won't buy back our house (long story-but now we will have to sell it on the market), new budgets, long work hours for Mike, and just an inevitable feeling of change going on inside of me. Sorry for being very transparent here. I have too much going on inside me right now that all it does is spill out. was PDO or Parent's Day Out and Logan and Austin go to "school" for 4 hours. Between lack of motivation and a sunny day out, I managed to get a few things done and even convince myself to NOT get a chocolate shake from McDonalds. I get to the church at 2:00 to pick up my boys, where the PDO is held and I grab my Beco (the carrier I decided to get from that post a while back) and slowly walk through the parking lot to enjoy the sunshine. I first to go Austin's room and pack him on the front of me popping his paci in so he rests his head on my chest. I walk over to Logan's room and he is one of three kids left. Miss Dottie is there and tells me I am the one with a sleeping child...."WHAT?!?!?!" Since when does my son ever fall asleep with so much around him, let alone in another place than his bed!? I looked over at him and my heart melted as I saw him curled up on the floor with someone else's fuzzy blanket under his head. He wouldn't even wake up when the other kids were talking to him and running around playing! I just stood there in amazement and love for this little guy who must have had one heck of a day!!! comes my moment of the day...I swing Austin around so he is attached to my back, go and bend down to get Logan, who looks at me with bewilderment and then comfort. He lays his head down on my shoulder and tucks his hands under himself between my chest and his. My 3 year old... yet also my baby. I grab Austin's diaper bag, two lunch pails, and Logan's little bag.
So Austin strapped to my back, Logan in front half asleep, carrying more than enough, I proudly walk out of the church in full mommy-hood. I couldn't have been more happy and my load couldn't have been any lighter. These moments get me through the rest of my day and hopefully carry me on through the week.

These pics are just to make me smile and for you to see Austin in his carrier (sorry about the picture from behind)


I can sew make that! said...

You are a wonderful mommy to two amazing boys! God is working hard in our lives right now. I know it may be hard to see where he is leading us, but he gives us wonderful gifts along the way like this to keep us going.

Casey Martinez said...

I love when you are transparent on this blog Elissa and I am noticing that you are doing it more lately. Please don't ever stop!! I think it is beyond beautiful to read how the friends around me are really doing and to hear how God shines through the nitty gritty of our daily grind. You just painted such a beautiful picture of mommy hood and made my heart swell with pride for the memories that lay ahead of me and Daisy. Thank you for sharing!! xoxo

Lindsey said...

I love how God gives us moments like this to help us get through these "blah" times. :-)